How to Be a Better Co-worker
Building healthy relationships with your co-workers plays an important role for your successful career. You spend more hours in your office with co-workers than what you spend with others. However, there is no doubt some of them are driving you up the wall!
You can use following points in your daily working hours to win everybody’s heart 🙂
Morning Greetings 🙂
Are you one of the employee who enters the office with silence, blank face, shoulders down and trying to avoid others? If so, your co-workers might find your attitude rude or thinking that you are ignoring them and will start doing the same with you. A morning greeting or a smile on your face can change your day. A habit of saying HELLO! and morning greetings with your coworkers can help you to start your day with the positivity. You will amaze to see the results after following this.
Avoid Gossiping or Spreading Rumors 😕
Just give a moment to yourself and think how spreading information from one person to another is harmful for you. Someone shares his secrets as he trusts you, is it worth breaking their trust just to take attention from others. Return a favor with your loyalty towards that person. If your co – worker walk in furtive and start gossiping about someone, listen peacefully and change the subject or start doing your work.
By doing this you may end up drawing ire, as a few love to do the gossiping so change the subject carefully.
Be Patient
While your coworker is on a call or with someone else, wait until they finish. By standing outside the door you are actually pressurizing them to finish their work which might end up with many difficulties for them.
Be Helpful
It is always good to help those who are struggling with their work. It shows your generosity and in future they will surely return the favor.
Learn to say “No” at times as well, else people won’t give you the value and respect you deserve and you will always be taken as for granted.
Return Calls and Emails
A short acknowledgement to the emails will helps in establishing a good impression. At times you may be busy but a courtesy call back or reply on email shows the good etiquette’s.
Compliment others
Always compliment your co – worker on professional or personnel front when they actually deserve. By complementing, you are motivating them to do the task with more efficiency. It helps to improve your relationship with your team members
Ask for others Opinions
You can ask others opinions or feedback on the work you have done or project that you have handled. It improves your skills even the feedback is less helpful. It doesn’t mean that you have to do it every time else you will have lot of confusing thoughts and opinions. Identify the situations where you have to take the opinions from others.
Your co – worker will give less attention to you if they find you or your workstation dirty or messy. Your personnel hygiene also matters to a lot of extent. Avoid eating food at your desk or while working. Some people may not like this.
Keep yourself professional. Avoid to mix your personal affairs in office. If you don’t like someone or you have any problem with your co – worker, do not over react while you have conversation with them. Talk to them in private and in a well-mannered way. Do not lose your anger and be patient.
But don’t forget the fun, love, enjoyment at the work place 🙂